A fantastic family stay!

We started our wekeend with a brunch, to which we had invited the German hosting families. 

The food was a mixture of our typical „German“ breakfast and Palestinian dishes that a group had prepared in the morning. After that, there was time to get to know the German families better.

Groups consisting of two to five Palestinians got to go home with the German participants and their families.

One group vistited a middle ages festival and got to learn about the era of knights. They also got to take a look at some of the local churches. Another group enjoyed the beautiful nature that can be found in the alps.

In the evening a big part of the group met up at a music party that took place in a corn field. We enjoyed the music and even met some former German participants of the past youth meetings. 

After the party we rushed home, trying to get a good night sleep, remembering church on Sunday morning.

Leonie & Nagham